October 2022 Archives

October 31, 2022

I've been working on a Shortcut to backup files from my camera's SD card to an external SSD both attached to my iPad. I thought using MD5 to verify the files copied would be a good solution, but if you have a lot of files, it takes forever to generate the hash.


October 19, 2022

Sent my less than a month old Apple Watch 8 in for repair. Battery intermittently stopped charging. Happened 3x since I've gotten it. The last time, I had to reboot it before it would charge again. Happy it's getting fixed, but very sad to not have it for unlocking my devices.


October 8, 2022

Hello Roxy, How are you? Has it already been four years since you left? I still see you in my dreams and still miss you so much. ❤️ Papa

Roxy enjoying the cool grass.


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