February 2018 Archives

February 28, 2018

Ahhh I thought so. Everyone jump off of Vero and join micro.blog instead. Own your content! We Regret to Inform You That Vero Is Bad


Owning your content is part of why I’m excited to use micro.blog. While I’m not sure blogging will make a comeback, it’s a fun experiment and it’s pushing me to refresh my blog.


The lesson: Don't let ANY platform be the sole source of how your audience communicates with you. Own your content. Facebook's algorithm has wiped out a once flourishing digital publisher /via @daringfireball


Sometimes taking care of a senior doggy is tough. There’s almost always one or two days a week that she’ll wake me up for no real reason then I can’t get back to sleep. Today might be a zombie day. Still ❤️ my dog but I need 💤


February 27, 2018

I really miss having liner notes with digitally downloaded music. Having to search the web or wait for someone with the physical CD to update wikipedia really sucks. Also miss: large album art.


Vero still seems to be broken so i'm just gonna forget about it.


February 26, 2018

If this is as widespread as it sounds, Amazon seems like a money laundering/fraudster paradise. Money Laundering Via Author Impersonation on Amazon?


Seems like so many people signed up for Vero in the past few days that their servers are broken. Oops!


February 25, 2018

After that false missle scare, getting these alerts are kind of nerve wracking. Freaked me out for a few seconds!


I'm guessing that Barnes & Noble is planning to get as much cash as they possibly can via lay offs, forced closures and then selling the retail property?

The entirely unnecessary demise of Barnes & Noble


February 24, 2018

Finally went through some old bare hard drives I found in a box. Was able to browse most of them and access data on it. 2 of them were SCSI, so I couldn’t get into them.


So wait. There’s yet another social network called Vero that collects your data, organizes it but let’s you pick and choose who you share with. This is getting old.


Finished reading ‘Men without Women’ a book of short stories by Haruki Murakami. I really enjoyed most of them. Trying to decide what Murakami book to read next.


February 23, 2018

Shleepy dog had a long adventurous day of sleeping.


February 22, 2018

Tried telling HomePod to play ‘Time and Tide by Basia’. Repeatedly could not play it. Finally tried ‘Hey Siri, play Time and Tide by Bayshya' and the song played. This needs a lot of work.


Now that Sunlit beta works with my blogging platform (Movable Type) I’ve been thinking about how I’d use it compared to the standard micro.blog app. If/when it can cross post to Instagram and others, it might have a better way to differentiate itself?


February 21, 2018

Looks like Sunlit can post to Movable Type blogs! Thanks @manton!


Finch sock back in action.


A new friend spotted on campus!


Does TestFlight no longer send notifications when a new beta is ready for testing? It’s been about 2 weeks and no notifications, yet there are updates!


February 20, 2018

Has anyone tried Florence? Seems like a nice interactive comic/game.


Yay! @Twitterrific Ollie T-Shirt came in today. Ollie seems quite pleased!


Do folks with oiled wood furniture not know how to care for it? The outrage about the HomePod leaving a mark on oiled wood is a little over the top. Putting just about anything with rubber feet on oiled wood will do this.


Shipping costs have gone up so much in the last 5 years with no sign of it getting any better. That's one hefty tax to pay for living in Hawaii. Not sure how it will ever get fixed.


February 19, 2018

Micro Monday: @aleen because she’s a fountain pen addict!


I sometimes feel experience doesn't really matter when it comes to web. Anyone starting now can skip over 25 years of stuff that no longer matters and probably come out ahead. Meanwhile I’m busy trying to figure out how to do layouts in this new world all over again.


Been making websites since 1993. Every couple of years I have to relearn how to make a webpage. CGI, imagemaps, tables, xhtml, floats, rwd, frameworks. Now it's CSSgrid. It's rare to start a new project without having to learn something new to do what I thought I already knew.


February 18, 2018

Learning flex and grid today. Also banging head on desk at the same time. #learningisfun


Nothing like getting a Flash Flood alert that had the same alert sound as the missle strike come thru on the phone. Shpooker sound!


That said, I haven’t used CodeKit in a while. Haven’t done any new WebDev in a few months.


Latest version of CodeKit doesn’t refresh Safari unless I save a sass file twice. Works fine for Chrome and FF. I wonder if anyone else is experiencing this?


February 17, 2018

Manga recommendation: I Am A Hero by Kenji Hanazawa. One of the few manga I read through in one sitting because it’s so good. I’m not into Zombies but this is so well done, it’s like watching a movie in comic form. Volume 5 just came out.


Also, the trusty Tweetbot is available for macOS too.


If you're looking for a Twitter Client for Mac, Twitterific is on sale for $7.99


February 16, 2018

I just logged into the Twitter website for the first time in years and quickly closed the window. What's going on over there? Glad I still have a chronological timeline.


Looking forward to a long weekend. It's been a crazy week.


February 15, 2018

@manton just noticed that micro.blog posted here but not on my blog. It's almost like it skipped sending it to my blog? Also it didn't cross post to Twitter.


Did you ever own a modem? Kids don't know the joy of hearing the sound of a modem connecting. Today, it's just silence and no wires. Hayes 300 baud was my first connected to a Mac SE.


February 14, 2018

How many of you are hitting McD tonight because you ain’t having none of that expensive V Day dinner stuff?


Happy Birthday to my favorite fluffy floor rug, Roxy! I can't believe you're 15 today!


February 13, 2018

@manton Just wanted to let you know: I tried the latest Sunlit beta and it still won't add photos to MovableType.


This Splatoon 2 concert is amazing! Live band with Holographic performers. I'd still like to know if they are being controlled with live singing as well.


At least I actually woke up today when my alarm went off. Yesterday, I must have automatically turned it off and went back to bed. Woke up almost 1.5 hours late!


February 12, 2018

Really enjoyed the season finale of Star Trek Discovery. Story writers and actors all did a knock out job. 🖖


February 11, 2018

Today’s lunch: Korean and Da Works Poke with quinoa salad and sushi rice.


Today’s view while getting lunch. #nofilter


Really loving HomePod. Spent he day with it while cleaning my desk area while wife slept. Needs some work recognizing Japanese songs in my collection but not sure how it actually gets that data.


Today is laundry, grocery shopping, meal prep and season finale of Star Trek Discovery 🖖


February 10, 2018

It’s fun to move the HomePod into different rooms to hear how it feels. I wish I had $ to get one for each, but moving it is fairly easy. Just plug it in and go.


February 9, 2018

It might seem silly but playing this actually makes me feel like I’m on the Enterprise D. 🖖


A mysterious box appears...


Back to work... at least for one day. Finally feeling somewhat human again. Hopefully it lasts the entire day.


February 7, 2018

That’s what happens when your sick and knocked on your ass for 3 days. That number was actually a magnitude higher before the screenshot.


Day 3 of this stomach flu/virus things and I think I see a light at the end of the tunnel.


February 6, 2018

Made it through the night. Hoping this stomach bug is over today. Chills/fever and other unpleasant stuff sucks.


February 5, 2018

Woke up feeling OK. Did my morning routine. Got in the car to drive to work and realized I was really nauseous so circled around and got back in bed. Not sure if this food poisoning or stomach flu/virus...


February 4, 2018

All the men in the neighborhood sound like they’re getting limbs amputated. #superbowl


February 3, 2018

Played the Ernie Ball Music Man St. Vincent dig guitar for the first time today. It’s hard to explain how great the guitar was to play. It’s an unusual shape but feels so natural in the playing position.


February 2, 2018

Hmmm. This doesn't sound like something you should need to do for anything but ice cream. Surface Pro 4 owners are putting their tablets in freezers to fix screen flickering issues


It's 2/2 and I got an extra egg in my Egg White Delight sandwich this morning!


So what did the groundhog do? Did he relive the day over again?

So what did the groundhog do? Did he relive the day over again?

So what did the groundhog do? Did he relive the day over again?

So what did the groundhog do? Did he relive the day over again?


February 1, 2018

Anyone try Tenso.com to ship stuff from Japan? Thoughts?


@kimonostereo Looks like that image got truncated. Here's the email that was sent.


See? This story is true. Nope. I haven’t gone to the website, don’t have the app installed and did not try to log in.


Yay! @donmelton is here!


Really great overview of micro.blog by @brentsimmons for anyone that is curious about the platform as an alternative to current social networks.


And just like that, the first month of 2018 has passed. How did you all do with your goals?

Oh, hello February!


About this Archive

This page is an archive of entries from February 2018 listed from newest to oldest.

January 2018 is the previous archive.

March 2018 is the next archive.

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