September 2021 Archives

September 28, 2021

Sad to learn that Golgo 13 manga creator Takao Saito passed away due to pancreatic cancer. He was 84 and still working on the manga.


September 25, 2021

The iPhone 13 Pro camera is pretty amazing so far! The 3x telephoto and the macro capability are really nice.

Solid RainbowMacro dragonfruit


@help is the sign in working?Tried to sign in with the link sent via email but I’m getting a page that says not found.


September 17, 2021

Look forward to seeing if this is true and how they’re going to handle it. Goldman Sachs honors 3% Daily Cash for Apple Card holders impacted by iPhone 13 preorder issue


I shouldn’t complain… but every year the experience and process of using the Apple Upgrade program via the Apple Store app has been painful. I get that the system gets overwhelmed, but the lack of error messages leaves you wondering what exactly the issue is.


September 14, 2021

It's that time of the year when I have to unfreeze my credit and wake up at 2am to order a new iPhone. I miss the days when Apple did preorders at midnight PST.


September 10, 2021

Went digging through parents closet and found my Star Wars toys from when I was 7-10 years old. I wonder if they're worth anything today?

Star Wars Landspeeder, and toy caseInside the toy case… lots of old Star Wars stuffEven more!


September 8, 2021

Playing some DJ as Kalapana today in remembrance.

Kalapana - Hold On


I can't believe he's gone. My first local guitar hero. R.I.P. David John "DJ" Pratt.


September 2, 2021

Looks like Comixology is going to be folded into Amazon’s Kindle store soon. I knew this would eventually happen, but now that it's coming soon, I feel really sad about it. It's not like Amazon hasn't owned Comixology forever. I wonder how creators will react.


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This page is an archive of entries from September 2021 listed from newest to oldest.

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