May 2023 Archives

May 27, 2023

How's your Saturday going? Anyone do this kind of thing for fun?

Disasembling the iMac to harvest it’s chassis and screen.


May 24, 2023

@manton Just checking in to let you know that I tried the latest beta 3.0.2 (277), and still no go. Same error as before.


Generate a secure password for your logins using the lyrics of Kenny Loggins. I wouldn't use it, but it's good for a laugh.


May 15, 2023

Drobo was nice storage solution for a good long time. Sad to see that they're now toast.


May 11, 2023

I've been using Apple Mail on macOS and iOS for about a month now (previously on Airmail). It still has a lot of areas that could use improvement, but overall it's better than when I last used it. It's still clunky, slow and ugly. Haven't decided if I'm going to stick with it or not.


Hard to believe, but the r/AtarashiiGakko subreddit has just surpassed 5K members! The group has sure gotten popular in the last few months.

Showing that the community has 5000 members and is in the Top 10% ranked by size.


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This page is an archive of entries from May 2023 listed from newest to oldest.

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