February 2021 Archives

February 23, 2021

I enjoy Panic's Nova app, but I wish there was a way to disable syntax error highlighting. I work with a lot of template code and even if it's in the correct syntax, Nova shows me errors all day long.


February 19, 2021

My order finally arrived from Japan! Official #ATARASHIGAKKO jacket and @dsk_rin Birthday set! Happy to rep them in Hawaii!


February 11, 2021

February 5, 2021

The temperature in Hawaii has been in the low 60’s for the last few days. I realize that this isn't very cold for the rest of the world… but damn I was shivering this morning!


February 3, 2021

Yay! Our 2019 Japan Trip photo book arrived today. It’s almost twice as thick as the 2018 book. It took a lot of time to make, but it was worth the effort. It’s always nice to hold a completed project in your hands.


A wonderful birthday gift from @kyubikitsy! Beautiful illustrations of the members of ATARASHII GAKKO! ❤️



February 1, 2021

Last year, my project was to post a photo a day. This year, I'll try something different. I'm a fan of @pyrmont's Weeknotes where he posts stuff from that week, so I'm stealing it! 🤫

My first Weekender post is here.


About this Archive

This page is an archive of entries from February 2021 listed from newest to oldest.

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March 2021 is the next archive.

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