June 2019 Archives

June 26, 2019

June 23, 2019

New neck for project #2!
Roasted maple with rosewood board, stainless steel jumbo frets, EVH 81-91 profile.
✅ Round fret edges
✅ Tru-oil and wax
✅ Install tuner ferrules


June 21, 2019

Another morning spent calling local shops for a specific tool, only to end up purchasing it on Amazon because no one has it in stock. Living on an island is paradise, but also frustrating when trying to shop locally.


Yesterday’s sunset! Enjoying the summer.


June 19, 2019

Morning thought:
What if Apple had a website similar to the Google G Suite Updates blog for any of their products…


June 18, 2019

This is new and cool!


More importantly, the addition of mouse support and a Bluetooth keyboard, finally allows the iPad to be used with an external monitor without needing to touch the screen in most instances… making it almost perfect!


iPadOS mouse support quick observation: when using a Bluetooth trackpad, the Apple keyboard case doesn’t work. It does work with a wired mouse. Also, the track pad has no gesture support. Turn off ‘Show onscreen keyboard’ to get it out of your way.


June 17, 2019

Sure. Why not?


June 14, 2019

After Mojave, next up: UPDATE Mojave. Man… these Mojave system updates take forever! 14 minutes to go.


Really bummed to hear that XOXO won’t be able to deliver on the next gen of Kickstarter’s Drip platform.
I wish there was an easy way to do crowdfunding without a middle man, but it’s tough if you don’t have backend chops.


A little late, but I’m finally upgrading to…


June 13, 2019

Not sure why, but Due on iOS has stopped syncing with my Mac unless I open the app. Have troubleshot this for a bit but can't figure out what's wrong. Anyone else with this issue?


June 7, 2019

Dunno if it's good news or bad news, but at least they're still open. Barnes and Nobel are one of the few bookstores left in Hawaii.

Barnes & Nobel acquired by Elliott Management


June 4, 2019

Anyone else hoping Logitech or some other company makes a keyboard + trackpad to take advantage of the new mouse support in iOS13?


June 3, 2019

Look what showed up in the office!


Ground breaking performance and bank breaking cost? Let's wait and see…


I dub thee CHEEZY!


Turning off Twitter to have a happy WWDC experience.


June 2, 2019

Been so busy with life, that I have no clue what's coming for WWDC tomorrow. Ignorance is kinda nice. I like to be surprised during the keynote.


About this Archive

This page is an archive of entries from June 2019 listed from newest to oldest.

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July 2019 is the next archive.

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